Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Bettye and I have two little companions. Pepe and Vujii. Pepe is a dachshund and Vujii a Pekinese. They live for their daily walks, but they don’t understand one bit about companionship. As Bettye is preparing for the walk, getting their leashes, etc., they are a bundle of energy. Whining, begging, barking, jumping up and down. Finally they are ready and as we start out the door their feet are spinning on the floor like the tires on an old car trying to get traction in mud. When we open the door they dash out as fast as they can and hit the end of their leash, stand upright on their hind legs, hacking, coughing and gasping for air. They dart here and there, sniffing, investigating, and marking every tree, bush, and clump of weeds they can find. When we get to the park, they are still straining at their leash trying to intimidate the squirrels, ducks, and every bird they can. They lunge at them, trying to start the chase, restrained only by their tether. Finally, about the two mile mark, they settle down. Probably from fatigue, but no more lunging about, pulling and tugging, or going off on tangents. They drop back beside us, content to walk along by our side. When we come to a turn, they look up to see which way we are going. From then on it is a joy to walk along beside them. Now we are enjoying companionship.
My point is this, isn’t that the way it is in our walk with the Lord? In our youth, we are all a bundle of energy, going after this fad, darting down that rabbit trail, and generally sniffing around in side issues that have no baring on our ministry or eternity. We waste the years of our youth in the useless, and then one day we learn the true joy of companionship with the Lord. We slow down, chunk the useless and really begin to enjoy our time with our Heavenly Father. We sigh and think to ourselves, how could I have been so blind, this is what I wanted all along. God just smiles for we have finally learned.
Don in Georgetown


Kathy Carlton Willis said...

I'm enjoying your blog very much, and will visit it often. Keep writing! Your transparency and your REAL faith is refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Don & Bettye,

I love this! What a great picture of the Christian's walk.

Love you both!